
Designed by

Hilary Birbeck

Go to the next level of your needs with Tepee

Tepee, un sistema modular compuesto por sofás, paredes de oficina y mesas. Una línea que funcionará en cualquier espacio, aportando un carácter acogedor y funcional.

Product line categories

Modular systems

Lounge chairs


Everything you need!

A corner for your morning coffee, waiting room, relax or concentration area or perhaps a space for individual work? Decide for yourself on which level will you go and what way do you want to arrange your work environment

Take care of yourself in the simplest way

Tepee design speaks for itself.​ 

The simplicity of the individual elements combined with the comfortable seat offer a functional complement to waiting rooms and canteens.

Work the way you like

The need of privacy, the specifics of a particular workstation or the necessity to arrange a space that is not always tailor-made.

Tepee is the perfect solution in every case. The walls can be used to create quiet zones for individual work or to section off and arrange mini-spaces. A well-designed office offers real support for employee development.​

Your moment to regenerate

Wooden structural elements, panels made of felt and the unique design of the sofas create a friendly, homely atmosphere.

A safe, private place to rest and regenerate​.

Build, connect, improve...

Where interactions are born, special support is needed. 

The Tepee line enables many configurations and rearrangements so you can create the perfect meeting place that is easy to modify when the need arises in the future​.

1. Visit the NowyStyl website and select the preconfiguration that suits your needs.

2. Click on "Configure".

3. Configure your Tepee with the help of the pCon.

4. Copy the reference at the top.

5. Send us the reference by mail to process the order.

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Add Tepee and the rest of our Nowy branded products through pCon Catalog



Piqueras y Crespo S.L.

Ctra. N-322. Km 359 - 02007, Albacete

+34 967 211 317


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